As a relatively new artist, I found it incredibly difficult to put this show together. If you’ve never done anything like this before, you’d find that hints, tips or instructions are hard to come by. Believe me, I did a TON of reading and research – so what’s the secret? Why is it so hard to find a little check list to follow?

Well, whatever the reason, I’m going to share what I learned, and how I did this.

First up – Moo cards! OK, they are not really cow cards, but they are cards printed by a company named Moo. They are mini-business cards and they are just fab-o!

I honestly stumbled on this company while googling one day. I decided to give them a try not really knowing what I would use them for. I just thought they were cute as heck.

Moo does this really cool thing – they call it “printfinity” where you upload as many images as you want for your cards. From MOO -”  ‘Printfinity’ is Moo‘s option of printing a different image on every card in the pack. ”

How cool is that? Business cards are nice, but you’re limited to ONE image – MOO gives you ALL of them!

So I took one of each image that was part of “Scene | Unseen” and sent it off to Moo. A short while later, 400 mini cards arrived at my door. I still had NO IDEA what I was going to do with them. But I had in my hands about 8 cards of each print that was going to hang on the walls.

How does this story end?

About 2 weeks before I’m ready to hang the show, I started working on my title cards. You know, the sterile white cards that are mounted just below or beside each piece on the wall? Name, dimensions, price. The idea came to me to somehow attach the Moo cards to the title card. I had hoped to generate more sales this way. The PCA was going to have my work on their walls for 2 months; during this time, a good number of events would be in the space which means my work was going to be seen by quite a few folks I didn’t even know.

So, we devised a clever little holder – ya know those plastic file tabs you attach to hanging file folders? These were just the perfect size to hold the cards. Using mouting putty, we mouted the title card and Moo card holder below each piece in the gallery.

Worked like a champ! I’ve actually had to re-order Moo cards. Each event that takes place in the gallery space shows my work to a bigger audience and Moo cards have been a great way to keep the work fresh in a buyers mind.

At the opening, Moo cards are presented as a way to identify which piece they wanted to buy! It was awesome.

If you’re considering a show, or are just looking for print services for your business, check out the folks at Moo. Tell ’em I sent ya!

(City-scapes at “Scene|Unseen” with Moo cards attached under each image/title card)